Friday, June 22, 2018

My Tiny Victory


Hi Everyone <3 I know this is such a bizarre looking at me writing again after a long time. Well, I guess it is a right time for me to make a 'comeback' maybe. LOL. Though I know not many people reading since this day, orang dah tak lagi guna blogspot and I am still here. LOL. Such a lame Natasha. (reminding myself that I blog to express not to impress) pusing pusing aku sendiri jugak yang baca entry aku sendiri.

ANYWAY, this year one of my resolutions is I want to show more gratitude. When I said 'show' that's mean I want to make it visible, display, publish, and share to everyone.  

But please don't get me wrong, it is not similar to showing off, obviously showing off is the idea of fool. There are two reasons why I wanted to show my gratitude in this blog because: 

1. It helps me to understand life has so much to offer if I begin to slow down with my life and appreciate little things everyday. 

2. To help you guys be more transparent about the idea of 'celebrating life'. To celebrate life doesn't have to be a big achievement. Wake up early in the morning, have a morning walk, make your own juice, finishing your task, cooks new meal for someone you love, Finishing two pages of book - They are all considered as achievement. Those are little things that can make you happy IF you open your heart and mind. 

My brother, Ezrin Nazan used to say to me  "share little things everyday"It sounds simple isn't? But it is very helpful. Trust me. So, I am going to share my tiny victory(-ies)

13th November 2017

So, on 13th of November, I had my final presentation. Time is moving so quick like a blink!!! Tiba tiba dah habis. in Monash University, bila korang dah masuk final year which means Year 4 Semester 2, korang akan ada presentation EVERY FUCKING MONTHS. setiap 4 minggu korang kena come out dengan progress and present infront of panel panel yang terdiri dari para arkitek, para theorist, para pensyarah dari university luar dan ramai lagi. jadi bayangkan berapa ribu dollar aku dah habis untuk final year dan berapa bulan dah aku tak dapat beli baju baru :'( 

WEEK 04: PRESENTATION 01 (selekeh. I know)

WEEK 8 : PRESENTATION 02 (pendek. I know)

WEEK 12 : PRESENTATION 03 (Ustajah. I know)


Throwback ni semua buat aku teringat during my first semester in Melbourne. Waktu aku mula mula enroll di Monash University. I remember my first presentation and  still clearly remember how I was struggling to adapt myself in the new learning environment. Here's the link. > GROW. 'Grow' is my first entry in Melbourne where I told the summary of my first semester in Monash University. It wasn't easy. I swear to God. Nothing is the same when I was in Malaysia. If people out there telling you;

"Ouh belajar mana mana pun sama jer"

NOPE. Trust me. It wasn't and will never be the same. 

nah ni aku belanja sikit collage aku during my presentation untuk setiap semester. aku masih sweet okay suka belanja korang gambar aku. wkwkw :3 semua perlu tahu yang aku pulun bagai nak rak okay cari gambar gambar lama semata mata untuk buat collage ni. bukan setakat collage jer nak kena edit putihkan kulit lagi. tolong sayang aku lebih sikit. 

16th November 2017

On 16th of November, was the opening night for the graduate student's exhibition in art faculty. Masa ni rasa sebak sikit sebab semua orang datang bawak mak bapak, atuk nenek. Hmmm..nasib baik aku ada Diana dengan Nadiah. My closest Malaysia family yang ada dengan aku sepanjang tiga tahun dekat sini. Thank you babes for coming :') 

Cerita dia tak ada satu pun gambar Diana yang tak buat muka. 
Whats wrong with you mate -_-

"Kau tak ada bestfriend ker tasha dekat sana?"

Well untuk yang selalu follow instagram's story aku mungkin akan selalu nampak dengan siapa aku berkepit. So yes of course aku ada bestfriend dekat sini. Here's Sailee. My Mumbai Girl. She is my cry baby, my stress buddy and my procrastinate partner. For those yang kenal aku waktu diploma they have might know how boring and serious I am when it comes to study and work. 

Knowing myself, I am such a serious person every time I received any single task. 
Knowing myself, I will always ditch my sleeping time just to finish my work. 
Knowing myself, I will reward myself ONLY after I finish my semester. 

With her, I started to learn how to be gentle to myself. To rilex, to calm down and not to worry too much and sleep on time. She is my forever bae and I love her to the far-est planet and back <3 though I know that she wont read this, sebab dia sah sah tak faham apa aku tulis. dan kedua dia tak tahu pun aku ada blog. Anyway, Allah knows how much I love this girl. 

punyalah nak tunjuk how twinsies we are sampai kan phone case dengan cincin pun nak kena sama.  

 This barbie girl alive is my goodfriend, Annie. Annie and i started to be bestfriend during our third year when we were in berlin. She asked me to be her berlin buddy along our trip at berlin in 2016.  

And this is me with Annie's family. GOSH i love her mom so bad! during the exhibition, everyone's parents show up except me. Sebab apa? sebab family aku jauh. And the moment annie's mom saw me she asked me 

"are you Natasha?" 
I said "yes Im Natasha. And you? Annie's mom?" 
"Yes I am Hethra. Annie's mom. Congratulations darling you did a great job" 

she hugged me tightly and I CRIEDDDDDDDDD. 

Annie said her mom kept asking about me everytime she called. always ask "how's Natasha" just because I bought her mom a scarf from Germany. because that time, Annie told me her mom is looking for a mustard scarf so bad and i found it first before annie LOL. without thinking i bought it as a present for her mom :) 


the transition from 'very busy' to 'fucking free' is bizarre. Day by day I feel bored. Walaupun sebenarnya sepanjang aku menjalani proses Final Year Project, tak mudah untuk aku. Macam macam perkara yang aku kena hadap. nak hadap final year ni satu hal, nak hadap masalah cinta lagi satu hal. stress dia tak payah cakap. 

I found this photo in my gallery and thought of sharing because I really miss being a busy person. Rasa macam bekerjaya sangat bila laptop penuh dengan to-do-list lol. Tapi serius lah aku tak suka lah bila aku free. tapi bila tak free mula meroyan nak masa free. susah betul nak faham diri sendiri. patut lah lelaki susah nak faham aku. hmmm.

Rindu bila katil bukan lagi katil 

Rindu bila lantai bukan sekadar lantai. 

Rindu bila meja study bukan lagi meja 
(my mini 'studio' for miniature photograph) 

Belajar dekat overseas ni stress dia tak sama macam stress masa aku belajar dekat Malaysia. Sumpah lain, Siapa yang fikir aku dekat sini seronok, asik jalan jalan korang silap. kalau aku seronok dan ada masa, mesti aku dah lama update macam macam benda best dekat melbourne. Tapi tak. aku tahu aku dah lama senyap dalam blog. dan penulisan aku pun makin tahpaper. but its okay aku taip pun untuk aku sorang jer yang baca. hahaha. 

Bukan sebab Melbourne tak best, Melbourne serious best gila tapi sebab aku yang busy gila jadi aku terpaksa focuskan study aku rather than writing a blog.


Kalau dekat Malaysia, seminggu sebelum final masa ni semua dah mendiamkan diri buat hal masing masing kan. Tapi dekat sini, dah lah lagi seminggu nak final lepastu time ni lah tutor kerah pulak kitorang untuk datang uni to prepare for our exhibition. Serius masa ni memang time management sangat penting untuk kitorang allocate masa kitorang dengan betul. 

Kalau dekat Malaysia mesti tutor suruh budak lelaki yang angkat panel board sebab apa? sebab berat. Tapi dekat sini, they practicing the gender equality, so tak kisah lah kau perempuan ker lelaki ker, all of us must contribute the same amount of effort.  I SWEAR TO GOD PANEL TU BERAT NAK MAMPOS WEYHHHH. 

Bukan setakat angkat panel jer but each of us must paint two panel boards.

I really love to see how all of us worked together for the exhibition preparation. 

 Semangat kan siap nak cat cat bagai. And I am totally amazed by everyone's effort. dan dah nama pun ni blog aku takkan tak ada gambar aku kan. :3 

 Dan bila semua cat dah kering, timber block pun dah di-screw, ini lah hasilnya. Honestly, everytime I see this picture aku masih kagum dengan semangat & kecerewetan pensyarah pensyarah dekat sini. Yang kalau boleh semuanya nak cantik, perfect, uniform and presentable. kalau aku jadi lecturer dekat malaysia memang aku dah buat macam ni dekat student aku dan mesti aku akan jadi pensyarah yang paling dibenci student. 

Oh yes, lagi satu yang paling stress bila kitorang kena submit our poster SEMINGGU SEBELUM presentation. Whattaheck kan. Tapi cara ini lah yang terbaik. Kalau dulu dekat Malaysia, petang nak present pagi tu pun sempat pergi print lagi. Kalau dekat sini memang tak lah nak buat cara Malaysia. And that why aku rasa this place sangat mengajar aku tentang erti 'Grow'. 

 Proses membuat model sangat sangat annoying tapi tak tahu kenapa dekat Melbourne aku jadi ambitious gila nak buat macam macam untuk presentation aku lepastu padanmuka sengsara gila during this period. Balik uni pun tengah malam Sedih :'(

 Tuhan tu tahu jer kan apa yang aku betul betul perlukan. Tak sangka waktu saat saat genting macam ni, tiba tiba Diana Frida jadi roomate aku. Dan nak pulak dia student architecture. Dan tanpa aku minta dia sendiri volunteer untuk tolong final project aku. Haihhh. Aku sendiri tak pernah terfikir untuk minta tolong orang siapkan kerja aku tapi Allah lebih tahu. Dan sememangnya Allah yang menggerakkan hati seseorang. I am so grateful that i wanna cryyyy. Thank you Diana Frida may Allah bless you in many ways <3 

 betapa ambitiousnya aku sampai nekad nak buat model 4 tingkat scale besar pulak tu. PANDAI NATASHA. PANDAI. 

untuk model sahaja aku dah habis 200$ AUD including :
(15pcs box board, 6 bottles white spray, figure, glue, epoxy glass dan tenaga aku yang terkira nilainya) 

 Masalahnya dekat Monash Uni, dia tak mintak pun student buat physical model tapi dia mintak artefact. aku jer yang gatal gatal nak buat physical model.

 Which means, instead of minta model, diorang nak tengok our exploration in this research project. Tak faham? takper boleh tanya aku kalau tak faham nanti aku jawab dengan detail. lulz. 

So all of us mesti experiment dengan material, etc etc and produce an artefact. Monash Uni is a research-based university. Jadi di Monash Uni mereke lebih menekankan research activity instead of lukisan siapa paling cantik. NO. they want to see how your thinking to invent something new and design for community. so all this experiment must be done FROM SCRATCH OKAY. 

and this is my artefact. 

Ini ialah prototype untuk artefact aku. Interactive Iridescent Skylight. Mimicking the idea of rainbow. Gitteww.

 the real artefact aku installed dalam physical model aku. 

I wanted to show you the outcome tapi aku terlalu malas nak mencari gambar dan upload. serius menulis ni bukan mudah. it requires a lot. lagi lagi part nak mencari gambar. all i wish is i will be more productive in writing my blog. 

Before I end this entry, here the photos of my university yang tak habis habis construction dari aku first year sampai final year. thats  from our fees MONASH. 

Monash University Caulfield Campus.  

and now i am officially Monash Alumni! Ancora Imparo! 


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